I neglected to mention that before you can take your road test here in BC you have to pass what is called a 'Skills Test', which takes place on a parking lot.
You have to show the examiner that you can push your bike, and in the course of doing so you push it through a full-lock left hand turn to measure it's turning diameter. The test is set up based on that measurement, so that you are not penalised if you are riding a cruiser.
The test itself starts with a straight line ride with the examiner walking beside you, looking to make sure that you are using the friction zone of the clutch. You stop in a marked stop box and then do a left hand U-turn, staying inside a designated area, based on the turning circle of the bike + 1.5 metres. The U-turn is followed by a 5 cone slalom. You then repeat the above, preceded by a left hand 90 degree turn.
The 'faster' part of the test starts with a right hand 90 degree turn followed by straight line acceleration to 25/30kph, controlled braking into a full right hand U-turn, acceleration again, finishing with a controlled sudden stop (at the visual command of the examiner) using both brakes, stopping without squealing the tyres, and in first gear. Repeat. Done
Takes about 8 miuntes, including debrief.