I'm no expert but I have familiarized myself with the intricacies of resonance, scavenging, back pressure, etc. and their effects on power production and loss in different throttle ranges. I have read all the opinions regarding the quality of the Mac exhaust systems. I'm just interested in some low cost headers for a bike that I have lowered a bit and, as such, has some ground clearance issues with certain header configurations. Just having some fun with it and am not looking to win any races. I will probably modify them with some inserts or possibly extend them a bit with some type of baffle. One step at a time.
For now, I just want to find the answers to the above questions. There also seems to be a few guys who have had difficulty with side stand clearance using the Mac drag pipes. I'd like to hear more from someone who experienced that as well. Some of the pictures I have found (that appear to be bikes with the Mac pipes) are perched on side stands so it would seem that is something that can be overcome fairly easily if it is a problem at all.