Author Topic: Starter Solenoid  (Read 1899 times)

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Offline ArthurF

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Starter Solenoid
« on: March 21, 2014, 11:09:50 PM »
Well hello All,
I have rebuilt my 550 (after breaking the primary drive(HYVO) chain before Christmas last year), but am not having much success in getting the thing to start.

I have checked the timing (valve and ignition) and am happy that it is as it should be.   Can get sparks at points (flicking them open & closed with a screwdriver), and when the points are sparking so are the relevant spark plugs.
My problem I think comes from the battery/starter solenoid/starter motor.
When I turn the engine over it is sluggish, fires but not enough to catch, then the solenoid starts to click and the starting motor stops turning.  Re-charging the battery and retrying does the same thing.    I feel that it is the solenoid, but I do not know enough to be sure!   My limited knowledge lets me understand that the heavy cables from battery to solenoid and solenoid to starter motor are to take heavier currents. 
However the input terminal of the solenoid gets very hot after just a very short (a couple of seconds) time turning the engine over (not a good sign!).
So after checking I have found that with or without the ignition switched on there is continuity and 15volts across the Solenoid terminals.   I was under the impression that the solenoid was a switch, and that only when power is present through the Yellow/Red and Green/Red wires would it pass current between the terminals.
Anyone verify/negate my knowledge/logic or advise where to go from here?
Thanks,  Arthur

Offline ArthurF

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Re: Starter Solenoid
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2014, 01:53:50 AM »
G'day All,
Further to the last posting, I have now started the bike!   Had to use the kick starter - but what is it for if it does not help?

The engine is tight after a re-build, but with a bit of luck will loosen up after a few k's on the road.

Happy as the proverbial pig in ****,   Arthur