A good number of you, know what my (so-called) brother (who I will, from here on out, refer to simply as david) and his wife had put my Dad through a few years back.
Well, (I don't think I have revealed this yet) after my Dad's passing, my Wife said that we really needed to let david know. Well, I did not want any part of having to see him, much less talk to him. But, I figured I would have to be the one to do it and I don't know his phone number. But, Michelle (my Wife) told me that she would do it, as she didn't want me to have to deal with him. I didn't really want her to do that, but she insisted. So anyway, she went over there, knocked on the door and stood back somewhat. david opened the door, told her that if she had come to tell him about his dad passing, don't bother! Then went on to say that it was a good thing I hadn't come, as he would have broken me in half! An, as he told her "It isn't over", he slammed the door in her face! Even, after my Dad passes, he just can't give it up! I have no idea just what he thinks he can accomplish. Previously, when this originally started up, I got my Dad a lawyer (one recommended by a couple of lawyers, who my Dad and I were once in an Army Reserve Unit with), as he asked and my Dad told the lawyer what he wanted. I simply took him to the lawyer and my Dad wanted to make sure that I received the home where he and my Mom retired to and passed everything he had, down to me, leaving david with nothing. david was mentioned in the will, with my Dad leaving him with his love and affection and the lawyer setup deeds to his 2 properties, in such a way that if something happened to either of us, the survivor would retain full possession. And everything we did, was filed at the courthouse, as per the lawyer's instructions, even the Will. The lawyer said that we had done nothing under the table and that would prove it. So, that was how it was done.
Now, this has me wondering. Michelle and I went to the little VA office in our little town and was told that we were the 2nd Van Pelt to come in today! Well, david had been there and I can not figure out what he is up to. He did not finish his 20yrs, to get his retirement. I think he did something like 12yrs or so. Anyone have a clue as to what he might be entitled to? We are wondering if he might be looking to see if he is entitled to get anything because of my Dad's death? I could be wrong, but knowing the way david operates, he will bust a gut, trying to get what he doesn't deserve.
As usual, ANY input on this thread, is greatly appreciated.