Author Topic: Please Forgive Me - Questions on Bench Syncing cb550 carbs - '76 K model  (Read 570 times)

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Offline xruss

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I've read through so much info on bench syncing that I've become completely disoriented. I could use a little gentle help, please.

1. Where should the idle adjuster screw be set to begin the bench sync?
2. If I go with the 1/8 drill bit method to get all the slides set uniformly, am I to set them from the motor side or the airbox side?
3. Do I then adjust the butterflies from that point? If so, where I do set the choke lever to do this, and what am I trying to set them to?

I know I need to get all other tuning done, then run a true sync with the gauges, which I will do.

I rebuilt the carbs a good while back and got the motor running before tearing the bike down to do a full refresh. At the time, it revved up to about 3k. I'm thinking I didn't set the slides low enough to start when I did what I thought was a proper bench sync at the time.

Really appreciate the guidance, folks. I know the topic has been beat to death, but there seems to be an abundance of "guidance" from folks who don't know what they're talking about mixed in with the good counsel.
1976 cb550k