Author Topic: 1971 CB500/650/GSXR mix  (Read 8311 times)

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Offline raymond182

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Re: 1971 CB500/650/GSXR mix
« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2014, 07:09:55 PM »
Well, she's all done and I managed to put first 100 miles on her. Runs like a champ and handles beautifully. Braking power is enormous, which is really nice. the front hugs the road surface with welcomed softness. The rear shocks work well with no issues. After reading some BS about them being potential death traps, I took them apart just to see what the fuss was about. Nothing to report on that. They, at least my pair, are fine and are no worse built than any other ordinary shock absorber. Maybe they are not suited for high speed racing, but I would not be confident in the 40 yo frame's capability to do that long before I'd worry about the shocks. Honestly, riding the bike above 45-50 MPH is not pleasant for me; just too much work. For the kind of riding that I do (city/short busts), the shocks are more than adequate. In short, $100 well spent.
I'm turning my attention towards my KZ1000 project now, but this is for a different forum . . .

Res Ipsa Loquitur, but what does it say?