This bike hasn't ran in about 5 years. The tags on it are from 89'. It's been kept indoors, but I can tell from the goop on the bottom left side that whatever oil was in it leaked out of the shifter seal. From what I can see it's going to need tons of new parts, forks rebuilt, new tires, and the carbs are stiff. Gas tank seems okay, a little rust but I think it is useable. Wiring looks intact, and solenoid looks decent. The motor turns which is a good thing. I'm kind of new to restoring anything. I've done tons of bike work but not anything as ratty as this. I thought starting with the frame would be a good place to start after I get the motor off. Then just work on it a section at a time. If anyone has a guideline as to how I should go about this I'm all eyes.