Finally! It's Thanksgiving in Canada and everyone left today at noon to fly home. What to do? Flyboys matinee!
We were the only ones in the theatre! I think it was Thanksgiving dinner time!
Read the reviews and almost universally panned. "Where's the story?" "None of the characters smoke and we all know they did!" "Little gravity or resonance" and "Not authentic".
I agree with them all. An ongoing war has no plot. The fact that none of the characters smoked was unrealistic but I never noticed that. No, the characters did not suffer gravely or appear to be in touch with the horrendous battle that was waged on the ground, because they fought in the air I guess.
However, it is the pinnacle of couple entertainment. Sorry Gordon but the "chick flick" component does get interjected. However, ya' gotta' love Jennifer Decker, a more than acceptable substitute for Kiera Knightley. My lady was therefore favourably impressed.
For the boy, there were wheelbarrows full of action more than acceptable to me as great entertainment. Don't know what calibre bullets they shot, if they bent or not, if the black guy was token or if there were gross inaccuracies. Don't care.
I liked the movie a lot; it was good fun. Thought I got my money's worth and will rent it again when it is on DVD. I do feel that the dogfights were amazing on the big screen and will loose a lot when transferred to the little screen (I still have one of those).
I note that no one has commented on seeing this. Did anyone actually go and see it?