...those fokkers were flying messerschmidts! (punchline to a joke my dads friend told me when i was

EDIT: i guess you cant end a parenthetical with 8? i was 8, not totally cool.
on second look, i noticed what you meant, not heat waves but smoke trails. as an editor, i am hard pressed to come up wth any better ideas for showing bullits in air. unlike in other action movies, where if they dont hit the target they hit something else and give the viewer a sense of how close to target the shooter is getting and how often they are shooting, the friendly skies only show hits, which is less exciting to watch. i dont know if bullits smoked back then, and i guess that is what they are counting on.
oh and the engine heat thing was from last nights episode of standoff. good thing i watched it again.
HOWEVER i did notice a couple things that made me less excited.
the picture of the girl- i will be surprised if we dont see more of her than we want to (aka PH style romance injection)
the friendly german- c'mon he just killed the dude's friend, and just got done running for his life until the dude's gun broke, but then he get's sentimental?! did he see the picture or something?
the soundtrack- that music is just the right kind of sappy to ensure more crap that will piss us off
enemy at the gates managed to have a romantic subplot that remained sub to the plot, why cant any other modern war movie?!?!
wake me up for the dogfights