Author Topic: Irish Nuns  (Read 653 times)

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Offline roy1

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Irish Nuns
« on: March 28, 2014, 02:14:29 PM »
A small convent was located in the rolling countryside of Ireland. It was occupied by two nuns , Sister Anna and Sister Kate. Each day the nuns rode their bicycles over the same rough country road 5 miles to the nearest village to attend Holy Mass. They were always on time , regardless of weather , until one fateful day when both overslept. The nuns started peddling as fast as they could , horrified at the prospect of being late for Mass. Knowing they were in trouble , Sister Anna said " Good Lord , Sister Kate - we'll never make it on time! Oh , the shame of it!" Sister Kate replied "All is not lost Sister - there is a fork in the road ahead - I've heard that it is a shortcut! We've got to try it!" So they whispered a prayer and took the unfamiliar path.

The shortcut was even rougher than the road they usually took , but they pushed on in desperation over the ruts and rocks , the bikes and riders jolting terribly. Sister Anna called to her mate " Sister , I've never come this way before!" "Nor have I Sister ," came the shouted reply , "it must be the cobblestones!".

Freedom is not Free.

"When the sun's comin' up,
I got cakes on the griddle.
Life ain't nothin' but a funny funny riddle,
Thank God I'm a Country Boy!"