Author Topic: Three Nuns in Heaven  (Read 718 times)

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Offline roy1

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Three Nuns in Heaven
« on: March 28, 2014, 05:57:45 PM »
Three nuns die and go to heaven, but all must answer one question to get in.

The first nun is asked, "Who was the first man on Earth?" She says, "Adam." Lights flash and the pearly gates open.

The second nun is asked, "Who was the first woman on Earth?" She says, "Eve." Lights flash and the gates open.

The third nun is asked, "What was the first thing Eve said to Adam?" Puzzled, the nun is says, "Hmmm, that's a hard one." Lights flash and the pearly gates open.


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"When the sun's comin' up,
I got cakes on the griddle.
Life ain't nothin' but a funny funny riddle,
Thank God I'm a Country Boy!"

Offline ryanj

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Re: Three Nuns in Heaven
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 07:31:57 PM »
Kinda reminds me of the bus full of nuns who died and went to heaven.

They lined up single file as St. Peter met them at the gates. He said to the first nun in line, "Sister, you've dedicated your life to Jesus, you're welcomed into heaven, but before you pass through the gates, I have to ask, have you anything you'd like to confess?"

The nun answered sheepishly, "Well, St. Peter, one time, and only once, I touched a man's penis with the tip of my finger, I'm so sorry, I was young and curious!"

St. Peter replied, "Thank you for your honesty, sister, just dip your finger in the holy water and go ahead through the gates."

The second nun in line began to blush as St. Peter addressed her, "Sister, you've dedicated your life to Jesus, you're welcomed into heaven, but before you pass through the gates, I have to ask, have you anything you'd like to confess?"

"Well, St. Peter," the nun answered, "once, when I was young and curious, I touched a man's penis, I'm sorry to say I grabbed it with my whole hand, but it was only once!"

St. Peter comforted the second nun, "it's okay, sister, you are forgiven. Please dip your hand in the holy water and proceed through the gates."

There was a great commotion as one of the nuns further back in the line rushed to the front.

"Sister Mary-Joseph!" St. Peter exclaimed, "there is no hurry, you'll all be welcomed into heaven!"

Sister Mary-Joseph, catching her breath hurriedly explained, "I know, St. Peter, I know... it's just, I want to make sure I can gargle the holy water before Sister Mary-Catherine dips her ass in it!"
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