Classic and Enthusiasts in Wollongong. VJMC are not down here I think. Easier for classic rego checks and local rides on the TS. The guys do longer rides down the coast and to the Southern Highlands, so the CB550F should be great for the job.
The two stroke TS400 vibrates too much for a long ride.
But having said that I rode one down to Tasmania from Sydney and back in the mid 70's, the things you do when your young!
The Honda is my first Jap road bike. I had a Triumph Trident 750 T150V from the mid 70's till mid 80's, will always be my real love, but the things are so expensive now, parts are hard to find and difficult to fix and find an expert.
Back in the day, Jap bikes and Abba were not cool in my world, but age changes things and I find the 550 now ,a work of art, puts a mile on my face everytime I walk into the garage and I even sing a few Abba tunes to myself on the odd occasion!