I suppose guys that the thing I was trying to say about the magnificent bum was no matter how old or decrepit and my buddy who commented on the bum and not being dead had/has Non Tropical Sprue, Emphysema, Diabetes and a few other minor complaints and was 70 at the time still had a joy for life and good looking young things that made you think no matter how much of a grind it is, there are things to be celebrated, laughed at, grasped, case in point I've got another DVT and am on blood thinners, water pills, and something that keep my heart from over speeding, which I'm pretty sure caused the DVT ( when you heart hits a certain rpm it doesn't maintain pressure) went for a scan, the young tech was friendly, good looking and she did the scan without much hassle and then she said OK you can put your pants back on but don't go away, so I says the clot hasn't gone away she said no, you wait out in the waiting room I want to talk to my doctor ahh says I, she said I'll call the doctor right away so pants on out into the waiting room, couple of minutes later she comes out and says you can go home provisionally, oh says I, she said but I want you to get hold of your doctor right away and if not this afternoon then first thing in the morning make sure! Off I goes thinking, #$%* I've just picked a couple of basket case ct 90s now what #$%* am I going to do, #$%* I better get working on the house to finish it etc, get home phones the doc and waits until he gets back to me about an hour later, he says good news and bad which first, I said bad, he says the clot hasn't gone he said but the good news is it's not bigger, the relief I felt was great, the grandson is coming up this weekend so there will be a chance for a giggle or too, so life's not bad got to seize it while I can and the same for the rest of you slackers, if it's a grind find some thing else or put up with it and develop other interests. Enough of a rant for the moment and I'll resume the quest for the 18-50 year old red head with the great bod and good legs that has a yen for an evil old man or go finish cleaning up the house.
Bill the demon.