My micrometer is only a 0-1" size, so I couldn't use it for this task.
But I did get a decent digital caliper today (Matco). I trust it.
37.42mm is the upper limit of a new stock piston. Mark, looks like the piston measures as new. This is the piston that was stuck in the fork boot (it probably got lodged due to my yanking) and the other one measures the same.
I think we can rule out wear at this point. I won't even bother to go towards the effort of buying a cylinder gauge to measure the bores for this because the piston measures perfectly.
VERY fine scratches, yeah, but I believe that's normal.
I stuck my other caliper on it and it measured the same (this other caliper I have is a cheapie and doesn't provide as much resolution, but it measured it at "37.4mm".
Should just be able to replace all of the clips, new seals, and refill them at this point.
Any objections with this process?
What method do you guys use to polish up the fork tubes? They are actually the nicest tubes I've ever seen on a classic bike…dead serious!