Author Topic: Ryan - New Member from Toronto  (Read 569 times)

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Offline ryanj

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Ryan - New Member from Toronto
« on: April 08, 2014, 06:49:27 PM »
Hi everyone,

I've been lurking around here for a while but I guess it's time I do the whole proper introduction thing. I'm Ryan, from Toronto, as you've surely gathered already and I recently bought a 1976 CB550F.  The previous owner is a member here, TE450Pilot (hi Randy, if you still drop in here), and seemed like a really great guy - with a great shop and some wicked bikes.  The bike isn't quite ready for the road just yet, you can see from Randy's old build page kinda where he left off.  I've obtained most of what I need (I think... haha, I'm new) to reassemble everything and get on the road.  I don't plan on too many major changes, I really just want to get this thing running well and get to know the bike.

This site has been a blessing and a curse thus far, it seems full of incredibly helpful and knowledgeable people but it also contributes quite negatively to my proclivity for procrastination.  With this ruthless winter finally seeming to retreat around here, I'm dying to get to work on this bike.  I've got a couple weeks of mayhem left with my work/school situation and then, thankfully, I'll be able to get to business.

I've never owned a motorcycle before (my earlier toys all had four wheels, including my 1965 Imperial that I should *really* get rid of...), I've had my license for about 5 years now but shortly after I got it I decided to go to grad school and that has been my focus ever since.  I'm still doing that (a PhD in Music if anyone is curious), but I also need other outlets and have decided that putting my whole life on hold isn't working for me.  So, after a bit of research, I settled on finding a 550 that needed a little attention and here we are!

My family has a long (and coloured) history with motorcycles.  My dad used to ride a Norton Commando and a Triumph Bonneville in his wilder days, his parents toured Europe on their Indian Scout (with a sidecar! I gotta find some pictures), and my mom's father taught a motorcycle course for the Canadian Armed Forces after serving in WWII and Korea as a paratrooper.  I've got nothing too extreme planned, I just want to fix up this bike and get out on the road.

So that's the abridged version of my life story.  As I said, I'm really looking forward to getting to know this bike and getting to know some of you folks.  It's great that a site like this exists to share information and bring together like-minded people who would otherwise rarely meet.  Thanks for indulging me here and thanks in advance for your patience and understanding if I ask dumb questions or make rookie mistakes, I'll do my best!


Here's a crappy picture from when I picked up the bike
1976 CB550F

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Ryan - New Member from Toronto
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2014, 01:59:20 AM »
Welcome. Nice looking 550 there. We'd like to see those older family bike pics if you come across them.
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline HondanutRider

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Re: Ryan - New Member from Toronto
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2014, 04:56:18 AM »
Welcome Ryan.  Looks like a nice 550 you have.

I live north-east of TO near Port Perry.  The roads here are much less traveled than in the city, so if you want to get out for a ride, get in touch with me.  Much better than trying to ride much in the city. :)

Offline ryanj

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Re: Ryan - New Member from Toronto
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2014, 12:15:02 PM »
Thanks Bob, next time I'm at my parents' house I'll try to track down some of those old pictures - I really wish I had some photographic evidence of the Army Triumph my grandpa lost in quicksand near the old Camp Ipperwash, although there's certainly a fair amount of mythology to that story, I'm sure.

And, Hondanut, Port Perry is great! Hopefully all goes well with getting this bike back on the road and I can be up on two wheels soon.  I'd love to track you down when I can, thank you for the welcome and the cruise offer.  Being unable to just tear into it right now is causing me some sleepless nights having to imagine possible setbacks rather than just confronting them.  I can't tell you how many times I've mentally cleaned the carbs, and yet I have to wait a couple more weeks before I can even take them off the bike.  Ugh, soon enough, I guess.

Thanks again for the welcome, though!
1976 CB550F