I've been lurking here for a long time but didn't really have a SOHC project. I've learned a lot though. I've got a 79 DOHC and a 77 Goldwing but I've been on the hunt for a SOHC 750 for a long time. Now I've got two! A 78K that I just picked up of craigslist and a 77K that I got off a friend on another forum. I also have a 77 550F, but it's pretty rough.
Here's the 78K with an 89 Vulcan I got at the same time.

The K runs great.
And the 'Wing:

The 550F:

Like I said, it's rough.
The 77K:

It's not running yet.
The 79K:

This is the one that got me back into street bikes after a 20 year time-out. Runs great.