Hey there,
I've got the same forks (early style) on my K2 as well, and have had many of the later ones also disassembled. I don't believe there is any real way to do the swap you're contemplating, at least as far as I can tell.
The biggest thing that would give me pause is how the two tubes are held together in these different styles...on the early ones, there is a heavy circlip at the fork seal that must be removed to allow the tubes to separate. The later ones are held together by the bottom bolt that is hidden by the axle.
On the early ones, that bottom bolt doesn't even need to come out to separate the legs, but, in exchange, that circlip in the seal area is a real bugger to shift.
Once the bottom bolt is out of the newer ones, the bottom tube can slide right off, no need to even remove the seal first.
You might want to consider polishing up the 74 fork legs...
All the best,