In addition to a electric starter delete, someone decided to molest and castrate the starter box off my poor crankcases. I'm putting the electric start back and it may be an anal thing but the starter boxes absence bothers me. Yes i could paint up the starter and leave it showing but i worry about gas getting spilled down there and starting a fire, or just crap collecting in the recess. I figure it was put there for a reason

I was thinking about a case swap to another set of cases but i haven't been able to locate good cases. So I have been thinking about attempting a repair. I have three thoughts on this and wanted some opinions to help decide:
- Dont worry about it, paint the starter and leave it open.
- Make an aluminum / steel / fiberglass cover that will cover the starter and replace the removed box down to the cases with some sort of seal to the cases
- Fabricate a replacement box out of aluminum and JBweld or epoxy it in place
- Fabricate a replacement box out of aluminum and TIG weld it in place (worried about heat and warpage)