Just got some more info on this bike from the owner. He got the bike in 2006 and his mechanic found these things wrong:
head gasket leaking, carbs plugged, bad chain, brake, clutch and speedo cable bad, front and rear brakes drag, electric switches not working, rusty exhaust, forks leak.
I was sent the mechanics list of repairs:
rebuilt top end first size over, paint and polish motor, new fork seals, cleaned and lubed brakes, repaired all wiring and switches, cleaned gas tank, new chain, replaced clutch, speedo and brake cables, new aftermarket mufflers, aftermarket seat, cleaned carbs and installed new diaphrams, cleaned points, adjusted timing, adjusted valves.
The parts litst:
piston kit, gasket set, bore/hore, carb kits, fuel and vent lines, brake, throttle and speedo cables.
Grand total on this 2006 job was $1,139. He said he has put on 2,600 miles since this work was done. Actually sounds pretty good.
Again, he is at $2950 OBO and I will be calling to discuss price with him soon to discuss a realistic price.
Your thoughts guys???