Author Topic: Don't get stung by this!  (Read 8676 times)

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Don't get stung by this!
« on: July 13, 2006, 09:02:02 PM »
I know better, but forgot to check...  >:(

I bought some new sparkplug caps for my rebuild, because mine were REAL old and getting crazed and cracked. Watch for this: the early "K" all used solid copper wire and RESISTOR PLUG CAPS. The resistor measures about 10,000 ohms with a good ohmmeter on the post-1975 bikes.

I got the caps for resistor wires or resistor plugs, which are zero ohm caps.

The result is plug fouling.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 04:26:44 PM by HondaMan »
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Re: Don't get stung by this!
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2014, 06:54:42 PM »
 So my CB400 with accell wires added should use resistor plugs? Because that's what I did.
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Re: Don't get stung by this!
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2014, 07:00:25 PM »
I use non-resister plugs, caps and wires on some of my bikes with no ill effects. The car near me in traffic might get a little static on his/her radio but that is about it.

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Re: Don't get stung by this!
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2014, 10:46:18 PM »
So my CB400 with accell wires added should use resistor plugs? Because that's what I did.
Yes. The minimum resistance needed is 5000 ohms. The OEM value is 7500 ohms. If you use the 5000 ohm plug caps (commonly available) and also the resistor plugs (2000 ohms) then you're real close on the Baby Fours. The K7/8 and F0/1/2/3 engines also used 10,000 ohm caps, back in the OEM days. The reason: Honda was trying to stretch out the spark duration in those later engines to reduce the cold-blooded combustion caused by the leaner carb mixtures and the late-opening cams. More resistance = longer spark discharge time.
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The demons are repulsed when a man does good. Use that.
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Re: Don't get stung by this!
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2014, 10:57:01 PM »
I use non-resister plugs, caps and wires on some of my bikes with no ill effects. The car near me in traffic might get a little static on his/her radio but that is about it.

The resistor caps (and plugs) were popularly thought to be added to reduce spark noise, and in the 1950s cars, this was true. In later engines, though, it was discovered (probably by some electrical engineer like me) that having resistance in the high-voltage path does not impede the spark, but instead EXTENDS it for a longer spark duration. In the SOHC4 engines, which are swirl-charge engines where the swirling chamber charge nearly breaks the sound barrier at higher RPM (700 ft/sec speed) this business of having a LONGER spark makes for a much wider flamefront ignition. The result is a less cold-blooded engine that develops significantly more power because the burn is wider and pushes longer down the bore. In particular, the undersquare engines (750 and 350F) benefit noticeably from this. Myself, I proved it during the gas-shortage days of the 1970s by installing either the 10,000 ohm "F" caps (in 1976 tests) or by adding the resistor plugs to the standard (then 7500 ohm) caps in the K4 bikes, using the DR8ES-L sparkplugs. By changing just the resistance, we could nudge the bikes up over 52 MPG at 55-60 MPH, where they were running 43-45 MPG before, on the same mountain routes. This route was: Denver to Buena Vista via Hwy 285, up over Independence Pass to Aspen, then back along I-70 to Denver again. It has a lot of high-altitude mileage in this 300- mile trip, so it was a good way to test.

It's also a beautiful ride, and a great reason to go out and "test" something all day!
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

The demons are repulsed when a man does good. Use that.
Blood is thicker than water, but motor oil is thicker, don't mess with my SOHC4, or I might have to hurt you.
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Re: Don't get stung by this!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2014, 02:32:11 PM »
Tried the DR8ES-L plugs with the 5000 ohm caps today.  Bike started a lot easier than it ever has.  It was 45 degrees out.  It would not start at all before when it was this cold.  72 CB750.  Stock air cleaner, Kerker with baffle, no other changes.  Thanks, Hondaman

Offline HondaMan

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Re: Don't get stung by this!
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2015, 02:55:51 PM »
Tried the DR8ES-L plugs with the 5000 ohm caps today.  Bike started a lot easier than it ever has.  It was 45 degrees out.  It would not start at all before when it was this cold.  72 CB750.  Stock air cleaner, Kerker with baffle, no other changes.  Thanks, Hondaman

Yep, that puts the total resistance very close to the optimum design for the OEM coils on the 1969-1975 "K" bikes. They had the 7500 ohm caps with D8ES-L plugs for the most part (until about 3/76 when the caps went to 10,000 ohms and the coils changed accordingly). The "R" plugs today are about 2000 ohms, so using either the DR8ES-L or the XR24ES-U types are a near-perfect OEM matchup.
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

The demons are repulsed when a man does good. Use that.
Blood is thicker than water, but motor oil is thicker, don't mess with my SOHC4, or I might have to hurt you.
Hondaman's creed: "Bikers are family. Treat them accordingly."

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