While you have the carbs off it's worth doing them properly, otherwise when you come to tuning you will soon become an expert at taking them off again and again. Take the time to use the search function and also read the FAQ to understand how your carbs work. Spray cleaner may well prove the passageways are clear, but will unlikely remove years of dried up crud and varnish that may be blocking the jets. The fact that it doesn't idle could be down to a combination of things, so it's important to rule out what you can.
At a minimum, I would remove the main jets and pilots and clean them thoroughly. The pilots are a push fit, and have tiny holes in the end that are impossible to verify as clear without removal. Blocked pilots will have a significant effect on your idle. You will also need to verify that the accelerator pump is working correctly, that your needles are set to the correct height (some are adjustable, some are not - next time you post give us the numbers on the carb body), and that the brass restrictors - located in the fuel lines linking each carb - are clear. Then there's ensuring the float needle valves are seating correctly and float heights are in spec. Sounds intimidating, and that's not an exhaustive list, but there are many threads on here that will guide you through the process, time spent now will prove an investment for the future.