Ok fellas, here's the details. I want to be clear first - it has only been about 48 hours. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt before turning everyone loose on him. He had mentioned that he was a member here, but from his email associated with paypay & ebay, I wasn't able to get his forum name here.
Last week I bid on an item on ebay. I was the high bidder, but the item did not sell. He contacted me via ebay and asked if I wanted to buy it before he relisted the item. He mentioned that he was a member here, but hadn't been active in a while, so I had no alarm bells going off in my head. A quick check of his recent history on ebay had 1 negative so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I thought I was doing him a solid by purchasing the tank outside of ebay (I know that I should not have) I even went further and check the "gift" box when I payed via paypal. So, I'm pretty sure I am screwed there. However, I have not contact paypal or ebay because I wanted to be sure first. The payment was made Sunday afternoon - 4/27.
In the meantime I did a little more reading on ebay. It turns out that he had listed the same frickin'item in 2012 and the buyer reported that it was paid for but never received. Oh crap!!! In February of this year he changed his ID on ebay. All not looking good for me. He has been active on ebay since 2005. Most of his feedback is mainly from purchasing, not selling. Lesson learned.
The more I think about it, the more I think I've been Brimmered. The part that makes me sick is, I pretty much allowed it to happen by going outside the confines of ebay. I like to trust people.
I have left a voice mail, email and text message with him (all sent yesterday 4/28 and today 4/29) with no response of any kind.

I have his phone number, an email address for him, his ebay ID and his previous ebay ID, what I think is his facebook account, an account on you-tube that possible has what he looks like, and the city that I think that he is living currently.
What's next ? I don't need a lecture, believe me, I'll kick myself hard enough.