I agree, parking lots are nasty places.
I would like to see three laws brought in:
1. A vehicle that is backing up has the right of way.
Obviously, where it is illegal to back up, this would not apply (superhighways, one ways, etc). But cars backing out of a laneway into the street or a parking spot at the mall would have the right of way.
2. It should be illegal to pass a vehicle that is stopped in the lane of a parking lot or of a roadway.
That means that if you wish to proceed through you must stop beside the stopped vehicle before moving through.
3. The speed limit when within a parking venue shall not exceed 5 kilometers/3 miles per hour.
#1 is right out of our company's rule book and it works. Cars, trucks and buses that are backing up are clearly at a visibility and speed disadvantage and have a greater risk. Try backing your car into a stall next time and see how much easier it is when you come out to leave. Point made.
#2 comes from experience with kids. If there is a car stopped I always assume a kid is passing in front and I am seldom disappointed. It amazes me how many parents have never taught their children how to cross the street. I have had to teach 6 different kids how to safely cross the street since Sept 5. The parents of some of my kids should be terrified because the kids don't know not to run out between parked cars and do it all the time.
#3 should be self explanatory. It is slow (walking slow) but isn't that the point? Cars, people, shopping carts and in the case of the garage, pumps and islands that restrict movement and are potentially explosive. Also, if #1 applies, you must be prepared to stop.
I am discovering that I am not a man of few words!