I had a somewhat productive day off. First the good. I got the tank and side covers all on the bike with the emblems and everything. Brand new petcock, tank latch and lid. I put the seat on the bike, it all looks great.
The bad, I can't seem to get the carbs tuned right. I set up my carb sync and went to dial everything in, for some reason I can't get the bike to idle without turning the adjustment screw all the way in. If I turn the choke on, even a little bit, it revs right up. I've got brand New carb boots on both sides going to a stock airbox with stock jets to a stock exhaust.
I had the air screw out 1 and 1/8 turn like the manual says, turning it in to about a half turn seems to help it out. It almost seemed like it wasn't getting enough gas. I was running the bike off just some gas line coming from my gas can and had it going to a T junction so maybe it's not getting enough.
I set up the tank and everything after this so next time I'll just run off of that. My brother is pretty good at tuning carbs and has a color tune he's going to bring by later this weekend but until then here are the pictures.