I messed with some wiring yesterday and made sure everything was working, then tagged each connection with tape and started taking out the wiring harness and all of the other electrical connections. After that I started to strip down pretty much everything else. Not totally finished but close to it.
I was messing around tonight a little after work at getting the left side crank case cover off. I tried a little yesterday but the screws were pretty seized up. I hit everything with PB blaster yesterday and some more today and then hit everything with an impact driver to get them undone.
I was inspecting everything under there and thinking about how to go about cleaning it when I saw the clutch lifter rod and remembered reading a few threads saying that it was a weak point and prone to break from a loose chain. Well, unfortunately mine was broken as well.
I looked it up and of course, like everything else, it's discontinued. After a little more reading though, I found out it crosses a few different bike models and got one on eBay off of a cb500t to replace it.
Question, though, how do I go about getting the other half of the rod out? Is there a way to push it out from the other side?