I ordered stuff like bars ,brake levers ....and other stuff. It'll be a surprise to me too what all it was , cause I don't remember, but I do know that where ever it all was is coming from out west and they shut the place down for the holidays and it'll be anyone's guess when whatever it was gets here. Yeah , it's like that.
It's been so freakin cold outside that I'm almost ready to watch American Idol, can't sit in a cold shop for long. Warmed up to the teens today, and it was sunny , and there is 7 inches of ice on the pond. My new to me 87 Yamaha 570 Exicter has been ready for it's first real run in a few years and I am only on a snowmobile twice but ready for some fast learnin'. It's a 2 mile long pond but the ice fishing guys stay on the other half so there is room to move.
The ice is smooth with an inch of blowing powder blowing across the top of it. There wasn't any other sleds around so I had to play alone, good and bad, the good is no other ride saw me high side , get thrown off leaving the sled on it's side. I would be getting ribbed allot tomorrow at the drags.
The bad is that the 1st of the season's drags will be happening tomorrow,and since I was riding alone, I only allowed myself 85mph passes... well in case I screw up, there should be someone else there with a phone for 911. Safety first. There is allot more throttle left but I needed to know what to expect from this machine.
Although I have spiked track there was allot of sideways action on the start, it only took maybe 25 runs to figure out how much throttle to give it so's to get to a higher speed with minimal spin or sideways action. There is another issue that is the reason for the 85 mph cap today is that at 82/83 the skis are barely grabbing ice, I think the wind is picking up the front end ,I have carbon skaggs on it now on a reasonably stock suspension. I'm thinking tomorrow I'll see if I cant crank up the rear over the track to get some more weight on the skis for the higher speeds. it's not a stock engine or clutch so I'm hoping some high-test and a lack of wind will get me to the ton. That probably sounds like nothin to guys that have been on these things forever, but for me tomorrow is my 3rd time on a sled, and already it's like getting a stock 550 over 100,really want to but it can't do it. The only way that 'll happen is if you borrow a 750. Did that, felt allot better afterwards.
Anyways,This sled is still climbing fast at 85 , I think a stock machine taps out at 96, I'm hoping for better than stock speeds tomorrow. We'll see.