Is she buying antiques that need work or pieces she wants you to refinish?
Some hobbies or stress relief activities you choose are for that purpose. I have enjoyed woodworking and am good with my hands as I have an eye for detail. But, my ex sucked the joy out of woodworking for me by adding her list of honey-do-s to my hobby that were things she imagined could be done. It is fine if that is every now and then but if it is the only thing that you get to do, then it isn't enjoyable, it is turning into a task like work.
I have decent artistic skills but, I didn't compete with my ex who was a graphic artist by degree.
I can do a nice watercolor painting or pencil drawing or even pastel drawing, but, I haven't had the motivation and desire to do so in several years. I have done drawings and paintings as gifts before and they were not something displayed merely because I did it, they had depyh and perspective and focus as well as lighting and shadow as any good painting would. Not that I am that won't find my work in a museum.
So, could be worse than just the Sunday antiques but, it could be refinishing pieces or restoring pieces. Most antiques are worth more original than refinished in most cases...