So it's Saturday,it's been raining for a change, and I've swept out the barn. Then thought, What better kind of day than this to trailer the next project to the one clean space left in the work area. That way, I can disassemble it and paint it before it gets too cold. The plan with this one , is to unchop the semichop.
I built it a few years back when I wanted a chopper look but didn't want to cut the frame ( a good thing to do if you think you may grow out of it), and I grew out of it.
It has very extended forks, extended a 3 inch swing-arm , Kawi pipes, and I made a single seat (that is now on a different machine), and a dark metalflake green frame, and a metalflake greenish gold body color . These things will be going back to stock, I think, except for the exhaust...I kinda like that.
Here's what it is in the garage.It's the gold bike. Oh, and there's a where's Waldo shot too.
Well, now that it's here , I can start stewing about it while I work on the 77. Oh oh , shaky pictures, I think a gin and tonic may be in order.