All the engine parts that needed polished are done and on. Looks decent. Took apart the shifter side cover and cleaned out the factory grease ( the grease was stiffer than I like and needed to go). A fresh set of carbs went on with a stock air box. This machine (#1) came with the pin type harness , not the blade type, don't like them, pain to clean and if they were any good they'd be on every machine. I have some extra blade type harnesses and generator so I'm going with that, just have to clean them up and check them. I see new ones one Ebay and wonder if I should try one of those out for a change.
The stock seat needs a new cover and I remember that there was a really nice cover that one of our members got from Ebay I think,that looks like stock, that's what I want to get. Tried those Sh1tty Saddlemen seat covers once, don't fit nice, don't look stock, makes everything look like a dirt bike and my fingers are too big to tie a bow on that little string. A string for cryin out loud, what quality item comes with a string?!! Oh I know , a tampon. That's about right, use the saddlemen cover once, then throw it away. A string, if that was a good idea the fuel tank would be tied on with a string, there'd be a string that holds the centerstand in place while running headers so it don't rub on the chain. Oh think of all the uses , they could be gaskets . Blown pan gasket, no trouble just cut that Saddleman string to the appropriate length , a dab of silicone, press to form. No troubles...use the leftover for the next carb bowl gaskets, oh there's no end to it all. String.
Oh oh, someone's cranky, must be gin and tonic time.