Koon - I completely understand your frustrations with that "builder". And that is the issue after all, he's a customizers, not a mechanic focused on proper, reliable running, he turned your bike into a cool machine, but overlooked and neglected the requirement for a good, reliable running bike.
Your options suck: pull the carbs and get dirty and test, test, test. OR, find a mechanic in the area that really knows these older bikes and pay them to do it.
Mix-match fuel systems and exhausts can be set up to run well. But there is an eternity of variables and little adjustments to get it to really run right.
The hanging revs could be a number of issues. Could be cable routing for the throttles, could be poorly lubricated cables, could be jets, needles, etc. Sorry, no crystal ball on that one.
There are quite a few members on this forum from your area. Open a thread in the Services Wanted section of the forum, and seek a recommendation on a local, well respected vintage mechanic.
For real carb expertise, member Harisuluv is possibly the guy if you want your to take your carbs off and have them properly rebuilt. For tuning help, he and TwoTired and many others, will offer great suggestions for you to try. But those carbs are coming off the bike so the details of their configuration can be known, and then adjusted.
Probably not the answers you want, but the only options that are guaranteed to make this right. Do not become overly frustrated. Angry with the "builder", sure. He deserves it. But either go slap him about and make him fix it, or move on and get dirty or get the check book out. All the advice here is free, but you pay with sweat equity. Are you up for the work and grime to get it right? Nothing wrong at all with paying someone else to make it right. Lots of us do it, but be prepared to sift through a few mechanics until you find the "right" guy.
Take huge amounts of detailed pictures and start posting them up to aide in advice (if you choose that route).
Keep us posted with your progress.