Took Shonda on her maiden voyage. Went great except I ran out of gas a few miles away from my grandparents house to show them the bike. I pushed it to the nearest farm and the farmer generously took me into town to get some gas. Got the bike filled up but then found out the battery was to low on charge to turn the bike over. We charged it up enough to get it to start and I went back home.
Took another trip today, this time with a full tank of gas. I rode out to the families farm to use the grease gun to finish greasing up my swing arm bushings.
After about an hour or so, I got on my bike to leave. When I tried to start it the battery was barely turning the motor over. I kick started it and went on my way.
Charging issue?About halfway home the bike started running rough, like it was missing a cylinder. I opened up the throttle a little and the bike sputtered and refused to rev any high than it currently was struggling to do. By the time I got back home it was barely running. I don't know if it was for sure or not but it felt like it was running on only two cylinders. Just barely staying alive. I coasted into the shed and as soon as I let it idle, it died. Tried starting it, but the battery was so dead that it could even light up my speedo.
Am I correct in guessing this is a charging issue?
One thing to note is that my blinker was left on pretty much that entire trip, so would that have anything to do with running the battery down? Thanks for any input.