Hello friends,
Here is the second time I need your help. I can't seem to start my bike. A couple weeks ago, no problem, now, it's a whole different scenario.
Yesterday, I turned the petcock to on and tried the electric start, the battery was without charge, so I tried kicking it over, no luck, rolled it down a hill and popped it into gear, no luck. I even had my pops tow me on my 50cc Yamaha Vino... Nothing. I checked the spark plugs, and there was some buildup, so I took some fine sandpaper and cleaned the gaps. Still nothing. So I pulled the plug out and kicked it over, and it looks like I'm not getting any spark. Any suggestions? I think my next step is timing the points, but I want to hear your opinions.
Also, about midway through this ordeal, two of my carb float bowl draining tubes were pouring out gas. They did this for about 10 seconds until I just decided I should close the petcock. When I was rolling it down the hill, getting it towed, etc... They would drain out sporadically, as if they keep filling up and spewing out. It's odd. I thought maybe the spew (10 sec) was just draining excess gas in the bowls, but then it became a little obnoxious.
What's going on!
Thanks in advance.