It was great to meet you guys Saturday.
If I was a bit sharper, we might have ridden together. I was in the middle of a flight of about 20 bikes, led by Yellow Jacketed Mark on a BMW Adventure R1200GS??. I rode near a couple of naked Wings, but didnt get to study the other bikes too much, I dont even know who was at the rear.
Kevin D will be along with more pics.
Sorry, not so, home computer problems limit me to posting text only and random lousy phone pix. But grepper covered it nicely! grep, I did a double take on the green XS650, till I spotted the front drum brake I thought it was yours.
I had a good ride home, 330 miles for the day. After, I went straight for the easy chair and a nap.
It was super to see all of the old bikes and I got goosebumps as we made our departure. But I was a bit disappointed with the ride route. While it was scenic and winding it was unfortunate that the road commission picked the preceding days to put tar and stone on the roads. Too much white knuckle, 25mph riding for my liking. I did much better on my ride home, 50mph +/- on Hickory rd, Tasker/Assyria rd, Butterfield hwy, Bellevue hwy to Leslie, Fitchburg rd to Stockbridge, M106 to Gregory, D32 through Hell, North Territorial to home country. If I could find a crosscountry route like that - avoiding the interstates - I might give it a shot!
Maybe I'll see youall again when 'zilla gets here!