Picked up a non-running CB350 a while back. A friend decided he wanted it and we got it running.
I adjusted the valves and cam chain and cleaned the carbs using Simple Green/water, carb cleaner, compressed air, etc. I pulled all the jets and installed new O-rings. Diaphragms looked good. Trimmed the plug wires and installed new caps.
Didn't really mess with timing or points.
The bike ran but not so well. We noticed one pipe bluing and, on further inspection found that one carb wasn't acting right. One side was lean, the other rich.
Pulled carbs and had them ultrasonically cleaned. Ordered genuine Honda O-rings. Set float height using the tube in the float bowl method. Meticulously adjusted cables, mixture screws, etc. Re-assembled and the bike is running much better and on both cylinders now. However....
A fresh set of plugs and a plug chop showed us the same thing on the carbs; one side lean, one side rich.
The plan now is to install a Pamco and probably new coils to eliminate anything electrical. We'll also check valve adjustment again....could bad valve lash cause something like this?
We're using the old, stock air filters and they're not the cleanest, but we did blow them out with compressed air. Could they be the culprit?
The bike is otherwise stock, except for the mufflers.
Any ideas or suggestions are much appreciated.