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Years ago I worked with older gentleman who had alot of different sayings. Couple things he would always tell me was:Son just remember their is nothing worse than loose booty in the house Don't matter who the girl is if you've got enough money that dress will go up like a window shade
Hmmm..been thinking about posting on this for some time. Always seems I'll be considered too weird or just plain different than what most thinking seems to follow here. So..what the hello..My "quotes of enlightenment" usually tend to follow the Buddhist teachings I've followed for the past 40+ years. "Enlightenment" in this case referring to an awareness that transcends..or goes beyond the mundane world we usually take for granted..assume to be "real".Anyway..my contribution to this exercise is: The past is a distorted remembrance of what was..the future is an imagined version of what could or could not happen; the only true reality exists and develops from our experience of what is happening right here and now.Was feeling that some here may get this..some not..but I love all you guys and gals regardless..and for putting up with this old Honda fart's comments over the years..Gassho..domo arrigato..Ichi
An older gentleman once told me There are three kinds of (enter the explative),Good, better, and best. Some of the best ones come from dirty old guys.
Confuscious say:Boy who go to sleep with sex problem on mind, wake up with solution on hand.
The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.