I am NOT trying to scare anyone. Just facts.
Imo, I think your facts are faulty or misrepresented.
The pre-77 SOHC4 750s did get a reputation for holing cases. These all had 530 chains, and usually were neglected regarding maintenance. Worse, the battery vent tube was also often mis-routed and dripped battery acid on the chain. Replacing lube with battery acid pretty much leads to steel link failure.
Honda finally understood that owners would neglect the chains to failure and then blame Honda. Owners always think its the mechanic's or the designer's fault that the machine doesn't compensate for owner induced issues. A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
So, beginning in 77, 630 O ring chains were introduced, which have the best record for sustaining operation with owner abuse than just about any chain made available to that date. People were touring cross country and deferring chain maintenance. The 630 oring can take this. The F models did the same while putting more power through the chain. Finally, case replacement became a rare event.
Is it still possible to wad up a chain and break the case? Of course. Any machine can fail. But, you have to REALLY try hard to do so with a 630.
I've seen several holed/broken cases from 530 chain failure. Never one that was due to 630 chain failure.
I would like you, Lucky, to document a broken case directly attributable to a 630 chain failure. Not just any old 750 case that you can find as broken. And not just regurgitated hearsay of some lore you think you might have heard. But, one that you actually KNOW had a thrown 630 chain associated with it.