I would love to see someone try and take out a whole room of people with a ball peen hammer....

I had a guy knock out a friend of mine with a timber baton, like the old police batons with a leather wrist strap, I went to defend my helpless mate and the arsehole turned on me, for no reason I might add, just a hero, anyway, I caught the baton in my left hand and ripped it, leather strap and all off his wrist and beat him into submission with it {read hospital} I have still have the baton, and its not the first time i,ve intervened in a violent public situation, if i saw someone trying to kill anyone in public with a hammer or anything but a gun {maybe a knife depending on what i could get my hands on at the time} I would intervene if I could, not so with a gun, capable of killing indiscriminately at range....

Cal, i've said it many times before mate, we have a totally different mentality here than in the USA, we are well known world wide for our laid back demeanor, although that is changing with certain immigrant groups getting larger, and thats not a racist remark, we are accepting refugees from Sudan and the middle east, places where there is no respect whatsoever for human life, I see this having a dramatic effect on our way of life in the future and it already is, even though our gun stats are relatively low, the Muslim community in Western Sydney is responsible for a LARGE proportion of it.... It makes me fuming mad....