Srust - if I may, I'm going to infer from two things you've written "Wing Nut Bible Belt" and "not believing in science" as your vilification of this region of the country has a large population of Christians and Catholics, and that you are not among them. All those things may be true, but what is also true, is that their beliefs don't exempt scientific facts. Nor does science exempt their beliefs from also being true. There is much archeological evidence to support some of their beliefs. And there is scientific evidence to further support some their beliefs.
If you want to discuss evolution of creationism, I say both are quite possible. Neither precludes the other. While lots of folks don't believe in creationism, that's what I think is most valuable, differing beliefs. It's an incredibly important ingredient of a society. But to dismiss people out of hand because their belief system is different, well that's the same bigotry you are offended by in others, isn't it?
There's much to dislike about our society these days. I haven't ever met or seen a perfect person. Power corrupts, it's that simple. A professor at a lectern often transgresses into espousing their personal views. And there's little room it seems anymore on school campuses for respect of theology. That's a shame really. Not that we should teach theology to all kids, especially in a public education system, but that we don't use it as a basis for historical relevance. Think of all the political decisions, international events based upon religious objectives? Do you really want to exclude young people from the importance of learning from those bad examples? I don't. I don't want prayer taught or expected, unless that is your family's choice. But I also don't want it vilified by society as being "hate filled, anti-social, elitism". Those labels are crap and they come from small minded hypocritical bigots.
I too have travelled extensively. And I can assure you, there's far greater evidence of daily racial tension in New England, New York, Philadelphia than there is in Virginia through Florida. Outside of small pockets in south Florida, I can not think of entire neighborhoods being designated as Irish, Italian, Russian, Chinatown, Blacks, etc. That segregation doesn't exist in the south, and it hasn't for over 50 years. Stop reading and start living in modern times. And voter interference? Hogwash!
There's no reasonable explanation anyone can give that would justify exempting any citizen from showing a state issued identification card before they are allowed to vote. None. It's not burden, it's proof you are eligible. Just like you have to show it to board plane, a train, enter a federal building, withdraw cash at the counter, write a check. Don't be myopic. That's spin cycle hogwash, and this type of "publicity" is exactly why this thread exists; your last post represents the line of thinking of those who demand, "My way or no way" as I read it. It's not dialogue, it's monologue. It's not inclusive, it's divisive.
If your head and heart are so firmly hardened, then I'd prefer you not to be my neighbor. But if there is room in either, then you are always welcome in my home. I won't try to change your mind, I'll just show you that your preconceived notions of a few examples in your life, don't define those you resent. It's called a generalization, and that's no way move forward. Try to understand what drives someone, then perhaps, you can identify the fork in the road that might turn their path. Isn't that exactly what you espoused regarding career criminals and gang members? Let's how them a different path?
Do you expect to have any success forcing those folks to change by whacking them with a belt? Good luck with that...
Odd to me that someone so noble (a craftsman as you claimed) would dispel history so quickly out of hand when the very aspects of your job, hand-made, were not produced by science, but by man. Sure a pneumatic nailer is more efficiency, but is it better? If you think so, then there's a brand new BMW k1600 awaiting you and they'll take your carbureted, points and plugs 40 year old heap in trade... Quite the dichotomy of your personality-