Recent experience forces me to chime in.
Disclaimer: Although I could never personally justify the expense of a Harley, I do like them.
Met with some clients yesterday (3 women), and talk came around to my recent purchase. They asked what kind of motorcycle I got. Told them it was a 1978 Honda. That's ALL I told them about my bike. 1978 and Honda.
Their response? "Oh, you're not really a motorcyclist then, since you didn't get a Harley". I replied - Actually I think I'm MORE of one because of that (okay - unnecessary, but they were starting to irritate me).
One of them then said "you should talk to Max, he's got a motorcycle". Another chimed in with "but I think his is bigger than yours - it's a Harley". But, I didn't tell you what size, oh never mind -
The thing is, the only thing any of them know about motorcycles is what they've been "taught" by the HD marketers. That's why (I think) so many people get their shorts in a bunch about Harley's. It's a pre-emptive defense.
I'm still proud as hell of my bike, and the fact that I'm going to be customizing it myself - to look the way
I want it. But I am getting a bit defensive about it. Like I need to educate the masses as to WHY the Honda is a great bike. Oh well, I guess I should just smile, and be glad I got my new hobby for $17,000 less than their friend.