Hi, I have to say this site is awesome! Im a 1978 cb550k driver, I've been restoring, driving and tinkering with this bike over the past 3 years. I ride daily (in Hawaii) and I have to say its the best motorcycle ive owned so far. The reason I wandered on to this site is im cleaning my carbs (something I've done a half dozen times on this bike) after I put them back on im having some running problems. The bike's running too rich. I'm finding fuel sitting on the plugs when I pull them. bike starts but doesn't run for long before it conks out. Any trotle pull also kills the bike. I usually adjust the screws back to where they last sat but for some reason I didn't remember to. Can someone point me in the right direction as to how far screws should be turned out according to spec. Also can someone explain exactly what the needle-screw with the spring under it does (it sits in the hole at the very end of my finger in the picture if that helps)? and how far it should be turned out according to spec? Also the screws on the bottom of the float bowls (I think their proper name is drain screw?) Should these be all the way turned in? Please keep in mind these are PD carbs. A pic of the bike as it sits now is also attached. Thanks for your help in letting me understand my bike a little bit more.