I expect the pilot circuits are not working. Or, the IMS screws aren't out far enough. Or, the slides aren't balanced enough to allow even firing of the cylinders at idle.
I blew air through the slow circuit and the main circuit.
You actually saw the air exit the other three access ports to the slow circuit? Did you dye the air to see that?
I also ran the bike with the IMS screw at 1.5 turns, 2 turns, 2.5 turns and 3 turns.
With pods, something more like 5 or 6 turns could needed to compensate the loss in vacuum at the pilot circuit exit ports.
When you say the slides, do you mean the choke slides? Also, I saw that my slow jets are #42's.
The choke plates are called butterflies. They are at the entrance to the carbs.
The slides move with the throttle to control inlet air volume. If they don't open equally relative to the other three, some cylinders may not fire at all at idle. This is what vacuum balancing is all about.
I saw the slow jets are #42. Not sure what the main jet is. DO you think I should just break down the carbs entirely again and Ultrasonic clean them?
No I seldom recommend a complete tear down, except in extreme or special cases. Soaking and ultrasonic treatments are similar to praying and hope. Neither "prove" the pilot circuits are clear and flowing. I use aerosol carb cleaner for that.
Choke operation forces more fuel to flow from both the mains and the pilot circuit. Usually if it won't idle without choke, the pilot circuit isn't delivering or delivering enough fuel to sustain running.
The pilot screw oring it there to seal from air ingress, it being missing can, in theory, make the adjustments erratic and leaner. But, I've never seen them cause a total failure to allow idle. I've never used these carbs with pods, either. But, it is hard for me to believe the missing IMS orings are the only problem you should solve. These parts don't usually fall out of their own volition. You should verify they are missing before such declaration. It is generally accepted that machines work better if all their parts are present.
If it won't idle due to over lean mixtures, it will have bugger of a time with throttle response under load; one of the repercussions of POD installation.