My lower back has been hurting pretty bad so my time working on the bike has been limited. However, I finally received the LED headlight so I was able to install that. I didn't follow the writeup on it as I elected to use the rubber strip that was in the sealed unit. I put a thin bead of silicone in the corner of the mount then pressed in the rubber strip. I then put a thin bead of silicone in the corner of the rubber strip then put the glass on it. I pressed pretty hard against the glass to push it into the rubber while wrapping the entire assembly in duct tape. Set it aside to let the silicone cure overnight.
While I wasn't able to press the glass as deep as it was originally I was able to get it deep enough to be able to fold the metal over the lip of the glass. I could see the silicone just eking out between the glass and the metal so I am confident I have a nice weather proof seal.

I felt I needed to modify the back of the bucket a bit. In order to allow for the wires to enter the bucket and allow some cooling I had to open up the hole a some. I quick test fit showed that I should be able to adhere the LED box inside the bucket against one of the flat sides.
OEM and modified.

I also received my PAMCO electronic ignition so I installed that. My local electronics shop is closed on the weekends so I will have to wait until Monday to get the correct connectors I need to make everything plug and play. I have the electronic box hidden in the frame tube which should hide the box and wires nicely. I am going to secure it with some industrial double sided foam tape. Right now I am leaving it loose until I get the electrical connections done.

I was also able to get the bearings installed and the triples mounted. I am glad I went back and re-did the stack height measurements because I needed the thinner shim. And because I wanted to see how it looked I slid the forks into the trees. My tires are on order and as soon as the guy that trues my wheels gets back from vacation I will get this baby into a roller.