Took the left carb apart tonight. Overall things looked good. The o-rings were still nice and pliable, but I replaced them with the new stuff that was in the OEM kit that was in a box of parts I got when I bought the bike. I couldn't get the emulsification tube with the slot out. Someone has been in the carbs before because they busted one of the tabs off of it probably thinking it screwed in/out when they in reality just press in. The only way I can see getting it out will damage it forcing me to replace it.
When I took out the slow jet it was clogged so I cleaned that out. I cleaned out all of the passages and blew them out with compressed air. I also noticed that a flat washer was not installed on the idle adjustment/mixture screw. I looked at the right carb idle adjustment/mixture screw to see where it was set to and it was 2.5 turns out. From what I have read the initial setting should be at 7/8 to 1 turn out so that is where I set it.
Tomorrow I will put everything back together. Hopefully she will start and I can get the left cylinder to run and the idle to adjust correctly.
Bill...Just noticed your post was in the middle of the quoted section so I initially didn't see it. I did away with the advancer unit when I installed a PAMCO electronic ignition. I haven't set the timing yet with a timing gun because I couldn't get the idle down to where it should be. I didn't want that to effect anything.
Pretty clean inside.
It is hard to see, but on the right gold piece you can see one side of the tab is missing.
All apart