Might want to propose they start covering those decks with some shock absorbent materials and composites for you brave lads while working on them!
might even reduce the tread wear on the planes coming and going-
Whether physio, chiro, or witch doctor, get your crooked butt to somebody pronto!
On a more serious note, adding to the stiffness issue of your work environment, the low frequency vibration transmitted through the deck to your spine is another massive contributor. Think about all the grinding, hammering, plopping of material, vehicle traffic on the steel. That vibration carries a LONG way, and your feet receive a tremendous amount of it, then straight up your spine. Your soft tissue then constantly responds, and can, torque/twist you out of alignment. Same problem for flight attendants and significant business air travelers. (Spine specialist explained all this to me as part of my treatment).
Have the Mrs load your Xmas stocking with Dr Scholls this year. It
will help reduce this re-occurring. But get fixed first!