Have you cleaned the transmission yet? Have you taken a good look at the needle bearings in the basket at the end of the primary shaft? I 've had two engines where those parts was wasted , but you won't find them unless you look for them. I have also had some worn shaft bearings, there is another thing that while you are cleaning them, look for smooth action , burnish or score marks, any sloppiness, you'll know when you play with them if they are suspect.
Scrub and blow out every little whole then do it again just to be sure there is clear air flow, no one wants failure from oil blockage.
While you are checking the shifter forks for wear, check the action on the shafts that connect with them, they are on the top end, without oil , if the machine has been out doors for a while, rust can form there making the action slow . In severe cases, frozen. May not be an issue with your machines but never hurts to check while you are going through it and cleaning anyways.
Check the action on the kick start assembly, you will really hate it if it's a little bent (for some reason) or the action doesn't happen smoothly and then spring back to position ..... you don't want to go back in because you didn't check and understand how it works while you had the chance.
I saw tappets in question but didn't see cam in the pics, maybe I missed it. What kind of shape is it in? Wondering why I would see one and not the other since they are always in contact.
Saw a base gasket only on the list... No complete gasket set? You aren't planning to reuse the head gasket are you?
Save a nickle save a dime...doesn't happen at my house. but for you it can be a learning process .
Clean, clean, clean. check everything for wear, rust and cracks, missing teeth that kind of stuff , take the gears apart look in between them look at them for damage as if they were , then when satisfied that they aren't damage in any way, put them back in the correct order. The worst part of not going over every part is the haunting feeling, after it's all back together, that you missed something, and it's worse when you had the chance to know for sure , but let that chance slip by. Even if something is suspect to you and goes unchanged you made the conscious decision to let it be and now you know. Take your time, have some fun, make it the best you can , and be thorough, then you know what you got when it's done.