Everyone who rides and wrenches needs to know how to lace a rim. I'm here trying to find sohc spokes for a harley 16" rim on the back of a old cb750F. Here's how you do it, works on harleys should work on hondas, wheels is wheels. Make a trueing stand out of wood if you do not have a high $ cast iron one. Just two uprighta that support the axle and allow the hub to spin freely without moving back and forth. A v cut into the top supports works fine. Be sure the axle is level. Mount old wheel in stand and slide 2 - 2x4s up tp the edge of the rim so as it litely touches the rim across both edges one 2x4 across both beads front one 2x4 across both beads back. Now the rim should be able to set there solid even it there were no spokesand remain centered on the axle. I see a problem with my discription the 2x4s go front and back of the rim in the manor of that if the rim was on the bike one would keep the bike from rolling forward and one would keep it from rolling back like chocks. Now mark the edge of the rim where it rests on the 2x4s this will give you the position to put the rim when you relace it, be sure the hub can not move back and forth. Loosen all the spokes. remember where each one goes, take pictures. draw drawings whatever. Take off the nipples one at a time if possible and replace them with he fancy new ones, leave them very loose untill they are all replaced with the nipples all loosely attached. Now buy a case of beer, open one take a sip repeat as necessary. slowly one spoke at a time turn the nipple one turn go clockwise to the next spoke turn it one turn etc etc till they get sorta tight being sure the rim is still between the marks on the 2x4s.Now the rim shoul be fairly stable remove the 2x4s and fix something next to the edge of the rim that cant be easily moved. spinn the rim and check for a wobble. or out of roundness tighten the spokes necessary to make it round. If you run out of beer stop!!!!! Start again 24 hrs later this time sober. Slowly adjust the spokes till the wheel spins with no wobble or out of roundness, take your time. The first time takes a while, sometimes a long while. Never tighten a spoke to tight a torque wrench helps but wou can click the spokes with a wrench and hear the tone they make they should all clink at the same pitch. Now spin the wheel, it should spinn smoothly and not wobble. Now go have some beer. Steve