I took my rear hub to the machine shop to get the bearings pressed out. I could only get the brake side out by myself. I really didn't realize there was a inner retainer ring and neither did the machine shop. He pushed them out and everything came out at once breaking the aluminum on the inside where the retainer ring would sit. I guess I have to replace the whole hub? For a 1977 will other years fit?
The piece that my finger is on flaps around and the gun powder looking spot is the busted aluminum.
My other question is, where on earth is a picture by picture step of removing the rear bearings? All I could find was very minimal and really only talked about the outer retainer ring. I still don't think I really understand how to properly remove the rear bearings. Seems like the following steps should have done the trick.
1.) Remove Brake side bearing by catching a rod on the inner lip and hammering it out.
2.) Drill out taps on drive side outer retainer ring
3.) Remove drive side outer retainer ring
4.) Flip wheel over to have Brake side up, Hammer on inner shaft to push out Driver side outer most bearing
5.) Now that the inner bearing retainer ring is exposed, drill out taps and remove the inner retainer ring
6.) Finish hammering out Inner bearing
What am I missing?