Might as well keep on going... for the sake for completeness... Never know .. may help somebody. Or not.

Chime in anytime

Sump off. It seems that there was not too much rubbish in the screen

These $5 pliers are actually handy for putting the rings on .. Do not work well for the oil scrapers ... and I did not
realise that you have to put the spacer in first, as it gets held in by the rings. I could not find any markings on the
scraper rings.. so I presume that does not matter which way up they go.

Pistons on the rods. These must be the last F2 pistons in captivity. Got them from csmnl

Cleaning up the top of the barrels. 400 grit sandpaper on a file.. I presume that the dark bits are the low spots.
Can see the work of the bloke that had it to bits previously

Any thoughts on this idea ? For all of the hassle
should have asked the bike shop to clean and face this part..

Now to find some bits of wood to prop up the pistons so I can get the barrels on. Not looking forward to this
part... Hoping I can get the rings in with me fingers.. Looked at the hose clamp option .. but the adjuster
would get in the way ? Steady does it..