the two marks to the right are the full advance marks,with a strobe as you increase rpm these will move toward the case index mark.
if the points are old and worn its hard to set them correctly,same goes for the cheaper brand new points you run out of adjustment,the easy way is to set the gap at .35mm,then using a strobe bring up the rpm until the marks stop advancing,holding the rpm adjust the plate until the case mark is between the two advance marks,do this for both sets,where the f mark ends up at idle so be it,these engines live at full advance all the time anyway,consider the advance system as a retard system,it lets you start the engine easy with retarded ignition then brings it up to full advance once your under way,the curve only operates up to about 3000 rpm,youll be riding around 4000 rpm all the time anyway,too much get read into setting and adjusting points,use a dwell meter aswell its easier and more accurate than gapping.