@bodi - gotcha, no problem, brother. And, me, f'n up numbers? Yup, that sounds about right.

Pops was my math teacher in high school, and I still managed to get a "D" in algebra

@storyman - that part number is great -- these forums are the same place I tracked it down.
I'm running it on two CB550's and it finally resolved that sneaky oil cover leak, and have had no issues since.
That oil cover leak is a b**ch -- replaced all the oil pump o-rings on the fiche, shifter seal, and the seal behind sprocket - and each time it seemed to resolve that gear-shifter leak.
But what was actually happening in removing the side-cover, it'd dump the build-up of oil from the the slow leak from the oil pump cover, and then it'd take a few weeks to build up again from the leaking oil pump cover.
I'd think I'd have everything finally resolved, then boom, another pair of tennies ruined

Glad you got it squared away! SOHC strikes again.